每周工作5天 月薪
工作经验 3-5年
学历要求 本科职位描述
1. 测试和报告应用程序的性能、可用性和硬件/软件兼容性
2. 推动Bug的优先级,并与工程/设计部门进行交叉工作
3. 与客户运营和其他内部团队紧密合作,记录区分Bug。
4. 为内部团队成员提供技术支持
5. 主持和管理公司内部测试会议
1. 熟练移动尤其是手机和平板电脑上的应用程序测试
2. 有在分布式产品团队环境中工作经验
3. 对软件产品生命周期有良好理解能力
4. 能够与开发人员一起开发测试方法
5. 具有对各种智能手机和平板电脑的应用程序进行实际测试的经验
6. 具备流利的英语口语能力和书面沟通能力,对工作保持高度细节和细致
7. 掌握objective - C和Java中的图片/视频技术
8. 具有iOS和Android平台的本地自动化经验
9. 具有使用Selenium WebDriver的经验
10. 具有敏捷测试工具和方法的经验
11. 具有mobile测试的背景,2-5年的工作经验,测试能力佳,具备自动化测试能力。
What you’ll do:
1. Plan and execute app performance, usability, and hardware/software compatibility testing
2. Drive bug prioritization and work cross-functionally with Engineering and Design
3. Participate in release processes for the entire company
4. Work closely with Customer Support and other internal teams to document bugs
5. Provide technical support to internal team members
6. Host and manage internal company test sessions and dogfooding
Preferred Skills, Education, Experience:
1. Experience working in a distributed product-team environment
2. A good understanding of software product lifecycles
3. Ability to isolate defects effectively, as well as provide specific conditions for reproducibility
4. Someone who can work with stakeholders to develop appropriate testing methodologies
5. Hands-on experience testing mobile (iOS or Android) and web applications
6. Proficient in spoken and written English
7. A keen attention to detail
8. BA or BS in computer science or any rel
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